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Department of Computational Linguistics

Essential Tips for First-Year Students

First semester day

The first semester day of the University of Zurich's Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences usually takes place on the Thursday in the week before the semester starts. There you will get to know your university, your minor and major study programs and – last but not least - your fellow students. 

Check Welcome Days for new students at UZH page for further events for new students! 

MA students of Computational Linguistics are warmly invited to attend the BA events. Additionally, a special reception with a pizza apero will take place on Monday, September 16th, 2024, at 5:00 PM in the social room (AND 2.11). During this reception, our Department and study program will be presented, and any questions you may have will be addressed.


In the first part, you will attend the general information event of the Dean of Studies Office. Afterwards, you will participate in the specific introduction of your study programs.

Program for Thursday, September 12, 2024

08.15 - 08.45h  Welcome by the Office of the Dean of Studies

  • Welcome and information by Co-Deans of Studies and Head of the Dean of Studies Office
  • Venue:  Aula KOL-G-201
09:15 - 10.15  Introductory Session Minor Computational Linguistics and Language Technology (BA)
  • Most important information about the study program and the Department of Computational Linguistics.
  • Venue: Room KOL-G-209
10:45 – 11:45 Introductory session Minor Computational Linguistics and Language Technology (BA)
  • Most important information about the study program and the Department of Computational Linguistics.
  • Venue: Room KOL-G-209
12:00 – 14:00 On-Site Campus Tour; Starts in Raum KOL-G-209
  • Board members of the Fachverein will take you on a tour at the UZH center and then travel with you to the Oerlikon campus (including a visit to the mensa with free lunch there:-). A tour through the Department of Computational Linguistics at the Andreasstrasse will be offered as well.

Presentation First Semester Day 2023 (in English) (PDF, 7 MB)

How to book courses

  1. You study the guidelines and study regulations (see below) of the major and minor subjects you have taken and determine which courses you should take in the various subjects in the first semester.
  2. You use the electronic course catalogue to determine whether time conflicts arise; if such conflicts arise, proceed according to the information in our "FAQ on the Study of Computational Linguistics" under the heading "Course Planning/Modules" "What can you do if courses in major and minor/subjects overlap"?
  3. You book the courses with the university's booking tool (please note booking deadlines! see also details on module booking).
  4. All CL courses are displayed as campus courses in OLAT. When you book a module, you are automatically registered (after 4 hours at the latest) as a participant in the corresponding OLAT course.

Student counseling

For questions that are not answered in the guidelines and study regulations or the FAQs, please contact the Student Advisor for Computational Linguistics.

Tip for the booking of modules for the first semesters



If you have no programming knowledge and your timetable permits it, it is advantageous to combine Programming Techniques in Computational Linguistics 1 with a visit to Informatics I. Both offer an introduction to the programming language Python, but have different approaches. But don't overstrain yourself! You should definitely prioritise the modules of the module group Introduction to Computational Linguistics or rather the compulsory courses in your Major/Minor. 

Where can I find important documents and leaflets for my studies?

On our download page you will find our most important documents, leaflets etc.

Please always consult the site Student Service of the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences which publishes information about dates, admission, student mobility, modules and exams and about the completion of your studies.

Where are local events, job offers, student assistant positions and more announced?

Our mailing list "" distributes information (important announcements, excursions, courses, vacant tutoring positions, job offers) to our students. Be sure to subscribe to this mailing list!

Weiterführende Informationen

First semester day, Thu 12 September 2024

More about First semester day, Thu 12 September 2024

The first semester day of the University of Zurich's Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences usually takes place on Thursday in the week before the start of the semester. Get to know your university, faculty and major program through personal contact!

Student Advisory

For questions not addressed in the guidelines and study regulations, consult our FAQ. You should also visit theStudent Services of the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences. The general UZH Student Advisory Service is also there to help.

For unresolved CL-related questions, contact the Student Advisor for Computational Linguistics

International students

The International Scholars Center offers guidance for international students.

For details on relocating to Switzerland, see Before and After Arrival.


Access guidelines and other important documents here.

CL Mailing List

Information (important announcements, excursions, courses, vacancies for tutors, job offers) is distributed to our students via our mailing list.