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Department of Computational Linguistics Language, Technology and Accessibility

News and Events

News list

  • Visualization of giving a talk

    Symposium on «E-Accessibility» 2024

    Talk by Prof. Dr. Sarah Ebling at the online symposium «E-Accessibility» on 21 November 2024 

  • Flyer 5th LiZZ-Gespräch

    5th LiZZ-Gespräch: Multimodality

    Join the 5th LiZZ panel discussion on 24 October 2024

  • Photo of Sarah Ebling

    Inaugural Lectures 2024

    Inaugural lecture of our chair, Prof. Dr. Sarah Ebling, on 2 December 2024

  • Meet the Experts

    Our Chair at the AI+X SUMMIT 2024

    Meet members of our chair at the UZH booth

  • Logo Teaching Insporation Events

    Webinar at UZH's Teaching Inspiration Week

    Webinar by Prof. Dr. Sarah Ebling about "Chancen und Risiken von Künstlicher Intelligenz in Bezug auf Barrierefreiheit in der Hochschullehre" as part of the UZH Teaching Inspiration Week

  • Logo DIZH Plenary Assembly 2024

    Lightning Talk by Prof. Dr. Sarah Ebling at this year's DIZH Plenary Assembly

    The mission of Digitalization Initiative of the Zurich Higher Education Institutions (DIZH) is to promote cooperation on digitalization issues between UZH, ZHAW, ZHdK and PHZH.

  • Logo SwissNLP Association

    SwissNLP Award 2024 for sign language machine translation

    Sarah Ebling and serveral members of her team receive this year’s SwissNLP Award for their work in sign language machine translation

  • Image of Book Cover

    Book release: "Leichte Sprache. Grundlagen, Diskussionen, Praxisfelder"

    With a contribution from Prof Dr Sarah Ebling

  • Logo netzwoche

    On the contribution of generative AI to web accessibility

    Article by Prof Dr Sarah Ebling in the magazine Netzwoche

  • Illustration of six people with and without disabilities and a guide dog

    Launch of Google Accessibility Discovery Center (ADC) Zurich

    Sarah Ebling will take part in the launch event on 16 May 2024

  • IICT Consortium Meeting March 2024

    The IICT consortium met at Technopark Winterthur to discuss recent progress and prepare for the upcoming review meeting with Innosuisse.

  • EASIER Project Concluded

    The EASIER EU H2020 project came to an end with the final review on February 29, 2024 in Hamburg, Germany.

  • Screenshot of a mobile app showing a text and a reading comprehension question

    Paper on comprehensibility assessment accepted to CHI 2024

    Our paper Digital Comprehensibility Assessment of Simplified Texts among Persons with Intellectual Disabilities has been accepted for publication at the 2024 ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI'24)

  • Logo Zürcher Studierendenzeitung

    Inclusion through technology

    Newspaper article about Prof. Dr. Sarah Ebling's research

  • Logo

    Flagship Get-Together 2024

    Innosuisse invites Flagship Consortia to exchange insights

  • Visualization of a presentation situation

    Campus Oerlikon – Lecture Series Fall Semester 23

    On 20 November 2023, Sarah Ebling will give a talk as part of the lecture series “Friend or Foe? Artificial Intelligence as a Challenge for Society” at Campus Oerlikon. 

  • Visualization of a presentation situation

    SAGG Germanistiktag 2023

    Sarah Ebling will give a talk about “KI-basierte Kommunikation im Kontext von Barrierefreiheit” (AI-based communication in the context of accessibility) on 1 December 2023 at the University of Basel.

  • Visualization of presentation situation

    Talk at “Forum Digitale Kommunikation”

    An event on 9 November 2023, organized by Digitale Verwaltung Schweiz.

  • Person reading a book

    Outstanding Paper Award at ACL 2023

    Award for research on sign language machine translation.

  • Screenshot from shared task website

    WMT Shared Task

    Second edition of the shared task on sign language translation.

  • Screenshot of a rating scale for text difficulty

    Journal Paper on Assessing Text Comprehensibility for Persons with Intellectual Disabilities