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Institut für Computerlinguistik

Omnia Ibrahim

Omnia Ibrahim, M.A.

  • Doctoral student


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I am a PhD student at computational linguistics department , university of Zürich and SFB 1102 project C1 at the Language Science and Technology department, Saarland University. 

Currently, I am looking at the interaction between information density and channel characteristics (background noise).

My PhD topic: Speech dynamics as a function of channel and listener variability

Supervisors: Prof. Dr. Volker Dellwo (UZH) , Prof. Dr. Bistra Andreeva (Saarland University) , Prof. Dr. Bernd Möbius (Saarland University)


I earned my Bachelor of Arts degree in 2011 from the Phonetics and Linguistics Department in Alexandria University. I went on to obtain a Master of Arts degree from the same department in 2017.

My master thesis was entitled "Building audio- visual Arabic phonetically annotated corpus for speech processing purposes". The building of the corpus consisted of 6 main stages: speaker selection, sentences selection, recording, analysis, annotation and evaluation.

From 2012 to 2018, I was a teaching assistant in phonetics and linguistics department, Faculty of Arts, Alexandria University.

  • Course 1: physiological phonetics (1, 2).
  • Course 2: Acoustic phonetics (1, 2).
  • Course 3: Auditory phonetics.
  • Course 4: Experimental phonetics (1,2)


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